Social Events
Puzzle Game Team Challenge
Forget about pub quizzes, here comes the Puzzle Team Challenge! Team-up with your friends and challenge others with hard puzzles.
The Puzzle Challenge will take place in Zoom, the link is available on the Zoom page. The meeting will also be accessible from the Marina Bay Sands room in
There will be a short introduction at the beginning to explain the challenge. We then ask you to move into Zoom breakout sessions with the members of your team (you will be able to chose the breakout room yourself). With your team you will then 1. get to know the game, 2. create your own puzzle, and 3. play and try to solve the other teams' puzzles. The more puzzles you are able to solve, and the fewer teams manage to solve your puzzle, the better you score. Hence, the goal is to design a challenging puzzle and try to solve as many other puzzles as possible. Further details will be explained at the beginning of the challenge.
The levels created and played during the game can be seen and attempted here.
Open Discussion
The open discussion session is run in the Marina Bay Sands room in We moved all discussion to the session on June 24, unfortunately skipping the event on June 23. Apologies if this session is inconvenient to attend in your time zone.
There are several tables placed in the room and we assigned a topic to each of them. The topics are described in the following document. Please note that we divided the session into two, with two topics being discussed in the first half and two others in the second half:
Please see the call for topics for further details.
How about speed-dating in Don't worry, we are not attempting to get you paired off. But in case you are interested in getting to know new members of the ICAPS community in a fun and informal setting, this is the event to participate in. The Speed Gathering will be run as a usual speed dating, i.e., you will be paired with another participant on a table and be given a short time to talk to each other. Depending on the number of participants, we will allocate a few minutes per pairing. We will run several rounds, so you get to know many people during the event. The topics you can talk about are pretty much open to you, but we will make sure to provide some fun questions and topics as inspiration.
The speed-gathering room is placed in and is located at the northern end of the Bar.

Games Session
Fancy playing some casual games with your colleagues? Join us in one of the games sessions!
At the entrance of the Games room there is a board providing some useful information. There are many casual games placed right in the room. You can simply walk to a table and start playing with your colleagues. We also provide further information on how to play several external games that are based on the space. Some round of racing? Or are you rather into escape games? Your choice!
The games room is placed in and is located at the eastern end of the Bar.
Pseudonym Get-Together
It's almost a standard social get-together session in the space. Well.. almost.. please give yourself fun names -- how about Donald Duck? -- and let's see who you end up talking to.