Talk Sessions:

Poster Sessions:

June 23, Booth 11

June 24, Booth 10

TempAMLSI: Temporal Action Model Learning based on STRIPS translation

Maxence Grand, Damien Pellier and Humbert Fiorino

Abstract: Hand-encoding PDDL domains is generally considered difficult, tedious and error-prone. The difficulty is even greater when temporal domains have to be encoded. Indeed, actions have a duration and their effects are not instantaneous. In this paper, we present TempAMLSI, an algorithm based on the AMLSI approach to learn temporal domains. TempAMLSI is the first approach able to learn temporal domains with single hard envelopes, and TempAMLSI is the first approach able to deal with both partial and noisy observations. We show experimentally that TempAMLSI learns accurate temporal domains, i.e., temporal domains that can be used without human proofreading to solve new planning problems with different forms of action concurrency.

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